Monday, 12 December 2011

2 things i found today, (hopefuly you'll enjoy, and feel better this christmas x)

Now i know this has been on the web for quite some time but i just came across it today and thought if you hadn't seen it, it was quite interesting to read. Basically this guy decided to calculate what the world would be like with exactly 100 people living in it (keeping the same ratios as the world is now)
And this is what it would be like...

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both North and South
8 Africans

52 would be female
48 would be male

70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian

70 would be non-white
30 would be white

89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and would be from the United States
80 would live in sub-standard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition

1 would be near death
1 would be near birth

1 (yes only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer

Now i'm not sure how accurate this is, but it got me thinking just how many people don't have substantial housing, don't have a decent education and don't even have enough food to survive and it got to me. I think it was probably because it's near christmas (in case you haven't heard christmas is coming up soon) and i know i have been asking for a lot and i'm sure you have too, and it was sad to think how many people wouldn't get what they wanted or even actually needed.
So i'm sure you heard the lecture about 'think about how lucky you are' so i'm not about to give it to you, all i'm sayin' is i know i am very thankful for what i have.
Well i didn't want to leave this post on a downer so i thought i'd tell you about this wonderful site i have fallen in love with because it is so cute, it's called random acts of kindness heres a link >> and basically it's all about doing little things just to be nice and help people out. So, if like me, you feel a little bad for getting to much this christmas you can give something back- and feel better in the process, how great!!! On the site it gives you a great list of things to do- my favourite being 'holding the door open for someone'- bit easy, so i might try something else like helping someone do the gardening or to be more seasonal clean the snow out of their driveway (when the snow decides to visit).  Doing kind things isn't about being all 'hippy' it does make you feel good, so if you are feeling blue this winter a great way to make yourself better is helping someone else- it's a win/win really :)  I Hope to see more people holding the doors open in future and maybe doing some more random acts of kindness. Lots of Love Kxxx


  1. A great inspiring post! So eye opening how much I have even if it doesn't seem so.

  2. Thank you so much, BTW I loved your poem the deal with death it was so beautiful x


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