Saturday, 10 December 2011

My tried and tested tips to handle bullying

    Bullying is something that can happen to anyone of any age. it can be physical or verbal and now thanks to social networking sites and mobile phones can happen anywhere at any time. Bullying can be the most traumatizing thing, and I know from experience that it can seriously damage your confidence. Many people are unaware how big an impact such things can have, but to some the emotional impacts can be huge. So here some techniques to help cope with bullies.
     1. Arm yourself with positive affirmations- these are sentences you can say aloud or in your head to give you a boost when you need it. some good ones might be:
I am a good and worthwhile person
I have a lot to be proud of
I am strong
I am confident
(e.t.c.)  Try making up your own but make sure they start with ' I ' and keep them in the present I am strong (even if at the time it isn't strictly true.)  These positive affirmations can be said or thought whenever you feel a negative thought about yourself or when someone else makes a hurtful comment. For example: people make fun of my weight so when I look in the mirror I tell myself "I am gorgeous" - it might sound cheesy but stick with it because you soon find even if you didn't believe the affirmation to begin with that you do after a while.
     2. Don't believe your worth less than the bully. Don't make yourself the victim in your head, if you put the bully on a pedestal your not helping yourself or your confidence. Bullies target people to make themselves feel better- if anything you should feel sorry for them, for feeling the need to do that. The fact that you can see them as just another human being makes you better than them. So don't make them out to be anything more then what they are. You might think they are prettier, tougher, stronger, taller or thinner than you but they're just human and probably just as insecure as you.
     3. You must not believe what they say. At the end of the day, the only person that matters is you.
Remember this- When a bully points a finger at you (calling you a name) there is always three fingers pointing right back at them. Do it, right now. Point with your index finger. SEE!  For everything they point out on other people they mask three insecurities of their own.
No ones opinion counts but yours, so if you think you look pretty today, you do. If you like the outfit you are wearing today, it's a nice outfit. And if you step outside thinking your the greatest person alive- then don't let anyone else stop you because you are!

And finally, just something to think about, I have been bullied pretty much  all my life and I know so many others that have too, and you know what they say? The phrase they always use is "If I could turn back time" or "if I could go back" . But it is so true if only I could go back and tell myself how silly I am for caring what others thought I would save myself a lot of grief. But then I might not be the person I am today.
  So when I hear someone shout "Fattty" or "who ate all the pies?" I don't run away and hide, I tell myself I am gorgeous, I remember we're all human and that they are no better than me, I don't believe a word they say and I say a silent thank you. Not just to the idiots who made me cry all those years ago and made me the stronger person I am today but also to the people who helped and supported me.
So try those three things next time you're feeling down or someone says something, and notice how good you feel afterwards.  I hope this helps those who do get bullied, and believe me when I say there will be a time maybe not now, but there will be, when you can accept that no matter what bullies will always be there and you can't change them but we can change how we can react. And trust me, it is a much greater feeling when you can walk past a bully and smile and think "I don't really care!"
Lots of Love K xxx

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